Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The true answer to the quest

Who am I?
         ->Ask not who, but what.
What am I?
        ->Ask not what, but why.
Why do I exist?
        ->Have you no sense? Ask not why, but how!
How do I exist?
        ->What matters how? Most important of all is not what nor why nor how, but simply "who."
So, who are you?
        ->Finally, a question worth answering. Let's discuss.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Cat in the sun

The stripes fall on the wall
and my eyes light up.
I'm pressed against the cool, white plaster
feeling the soft touch of sun
for the first time in months--
not that it's the first sunshine I've seen
in months
but rather that it's the first time
I've had morning sun in my home
as my last apartment was a cave
And this, though still mostly unsettled,
is my new home, and it
has sun
in the mornings,
which makes me happy.
The stripes move, brighten, and
I notice another patch on the floor.
Excuse me while I lay here for a while.